Caution of treatment
- Dipping
I've done a whole article on dipping. Done "right" it helps
immeasurably!!! It can kill the mites and the right shampoo can flush
the residue away and the animal has a CHANCE to heal and the immune
system to begin to DEVELOP (rather than just being totally sapped!)
Dipping done without care or without WATCHFUL supervision can be
Amitraz (whether you use the brand "Mitaban" or some other)
is actually a strong pesticide. If dipping is done carelessly and the
animal slurps at this stuff running down it's face/body - or if it's
left alone after the dipping to lick itself - you WILL have a mega
sick pup!!!
I'm not saying "don't" - I'm saying be careful. If you want
the benefit of my 'experiences' see the section on dipping.
- Ivermectin-based
Instead of dipping, some vets suggest trying daily doses of Ivermectin
(it's something "new" to try). It's "easier" (most
recommend putting it over food). BUT Ivermectin liquid is actually the
same stuff that you give your dog as "once a month heartworm
preventive" (a pill usually) and they're giving that dose to them
I've seen a number of "cautions" that you should AVOID any
excessive dosage of Ivermectin for any "herding dog" - such
as collies or shelties - or any mix with "herding dog" blood
in him One of my favorite reference books, "The Pill Book Guide
to Medication for your Dog and Cat", recommends that herding
breeds/mixes should be given no more than the dose for heartworm
prevention (0.003 - 0.0066 mg per lb). This is way below the DAILY
dose for demodex treatment (0.27 mg per lb every day for 90 days). So
the simple rule is: -
If you even suspect your animal is partly any kind of herding dog -
The Pill Book's theory is that herding dogs have a more permeable
barrier between the blood and the brain. From my own experience, I
have my mostly-sheltie, Foxy, on almost a half dose of heartworm
preventive and it STILL makes him act sick! .
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